This is My Life

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Sunday, April 24, 2011


This subject matter, I hold close to my heart simply because friends are an integral part of my life as I come from a very small family with only one elder sister. In addition I grew up in a boarding school since the age of 12 right through varsity away in downunder. Hence my adolescence and my young adulthood are mostly spent amongst friends. To add to the whole thing, my being single, calls for my close bonding with a handful of like minded friends who have been with me and seen me through many of my hard times and also my good times. They are my support group who need not be with me regularly yet I know they will be there for me in any case, be it day or night, rain or sunshine.

Over the years, I've met and got acquainted with many interesting people from schools, universities, office colleagues, associations, strangers that you meet at many different places, be it events, parties, supermarkets etc, friends of friends and many other occasions. Some of these people become acquaintances, friends, business partners and even close friends. I guess the saying about some friends we meet for a season and some friends we meet for a reason does hold water. Friends that come for a season usually friends that are with us for a certain period, perhaps our classmates or office colleagues and friends that comes into our lives for a reason are people who perhaps to some extent change our lives, they come to be with us to teach us lessons of life, be it good or bad. Both are life experiences that are not taught in schools.

Along this journey of life, besides those kind of friends that we meet above, there will bound to be friends who connects well with us and end up become friends that are dear to our heart. The lesson that I learn about having close friends are that the bond may not be a spoken word between the two individuals but it is the mutual understanding that both individual has and respect for each other that is very important. I learnt that we must never take people that we consider close and dear to us for granted. I have lost a very dear friend because of my ignorance and arrogance to acknowledge her presence in my life. Our friendship drew apart over accummulated incidents that I never realised took place. I was so into myself that I forgot to pay attention to little details about our friendship.

So now with that lesson learnt, I try to cherish friends that are dear to my heart more these days. The only thing that saddens me is that sometimes people that we thought are close to us doesn't feel the same way about it. I am now in my own shoes back then when I treated my close friend badly. Huhu. Anyway, I am now trying to instill the following saying, so as I know where and how I should behave and redirect my energy to a more beneficial cause;

"Don't let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs. Relationship works best when they are balanced"

I came across this saying some time back but somehow I find it such a hard lesson to learn as I keep failing in trying to believe in it. I know sometimes I am just a comfort zone or punching bag or a loyal supporter and just to fill in a blank for someone. I am trying hard to practice the saying above because I believe I am worthy more than just being someone's, 'by the way'. When I quietly think about it, I feel sorry for myself and I wish there are true sincere friends out there who can accept me and appreciate me as how I am.

Anyway, this particular posting is like a journal and whatever is written is just my personal experience whether it is happening or just fictional, :)  and there is no reference to anyone, be it dead or alive. The facts of my writing above are what has happened in the past.

To sum up, all of us whether you are single or married,  need friends, close friends that is because I believe true friends can always see us beyond skin deep and will be able to accept us as how we are. Nevertheless, I have met someone who actually said that she doesn't need friends as she has managed to survive in life all this while. Well to her, I wish her luck because as they say No man is an Island.

Okay, enjoy reading and for those who read, I appreciate your take on this.

Thank you and ciao ciao. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Very 'First' Attempt at blogging via

Actually my first attempt is the following writings which was posted in Wordpress. Somehow, I have decided to migrate to So here I am, cutting my earlier posting in Wordpress and pasting it in here. So do bare with me on any future glitches as I am very new in this blogging thingy.

My Very First Atttempt

Today or rather this morning, I somehow find it hard to sleep though I have an early morning journey to Teluk Intan. So here I am, since I have procrastinated in wanting to blog, I finally thought this should be the right time.

Friends have been supportive in encouraging me to blog as apparently they enjoy reading my notes in Facebook, so perhaps, I could at least amuse them with my 2 sens nonsensical writings of whatever that comes from my heart and my head. Frankly I never thought I could write especially with just mediocre English results during schooldays and I hate reading those compulsory literature, though I did like my Form V literature book, The Citadel by AJ Cronin. I only remember the story was about a doctor and his practice. Perhaps I should revisit the book again, afterall it has been over 30 years since I left school.

I have basically decided to write about Simple Things in Life (Stil) and also on T.U.M.P. Well for those who knows what the acronym stands for, then good on you but for those who are curious over what it means, you will eventually know what it means i.e. if you follow my blog. :)

Well, that’s it for now to begin with. I shall write more in the next few days. In the mean time, enjoy life my friends and along the way stay healthy and keep in tab of the world around us. Ciao ciao!!